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DPlot Viewer

DPlot Viewer v2.3.4.3 最新版

  • 授权方式:免费软件
  • 软件类别:
  • 软件大小:9.1 MB
  • 推荐星级:
  • 软件语言:其他语言
  • 更新时间:2024-10-27
  • 运行环境:WinAll
  • 软件作者:暂未收录
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DPlot Viewer is a versatile data charting software designed to display and reproduce all types of charts generated by DPlot or DPlot Jr. It excels in rendering images in fullscreen mode, offering a clear and detailed view of the data. The software is renowned for its ease of use and speed, making it an excellent choice for researchers and engineers who require a robust tool for visualizing 2D and 3D data.


DPlot Viewer boasts a wide array of features, including various zoom types that allow for linear, logarithmic, and probability scaling on the X and/or Y axes. It also offers a selection of unique scale types tailored for specific purposes, such as particle size distribution graphs, three-part mesh (impact spectrum), polar plots, ternary plots, N1.85 hydraulic machine scale, and Mercator projections. For 3D data, DPlot Viewer can create contour plots that appear as contour lines in the xy plane's main view or as shaded bands in a 3D projection, with the option to include lighting effects.

The software accepts points at any spacing for 3D data and points on a rectangular grid. For rectangular grids, DPlot Viewer can also generate waterfall plots, 3D bar charts, and simple line meshes. Beyond the standard modules for trigonometric and general mathematical functions, DPlot Viewer supports conditional formula calculations using the if(test, if_true, if_false) syntax. Users can create new curves based on functions derived from existing curves, such as y=f(x, y1, y2, ...).


To utilize DPlot Viewer, simply import your data, select the desired chart type, and customize the scaling and other options to suit your needs. The software's intuitive interface ensures that even users with minimal experience can create professional-looking charts quickly and efficiently.


Fullscreen image display for a comprehensive view of data

User-friendly interface for easy navigation and operation

Fast processing for quick results

Support for RAW image formats for extended compatibility

With its extensive features and ease of use, DPlot Viewer is an indispensable tool for anyone who needs to visualize and analyze data in a clear and concise manner.

DPlot Viewer v2.3.4.3 最新版
