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Audio Editor Deluxe

Audio Editor Deluxe v7.1.0 官方版

  • 授权方式:免费软件
  • 软件类别:
  • 软件大小:39.4 MB
  • 推荐星级:
  • 软件语言:其他语言
  • 更新时间:2024-10-27
  • 运行环境:WinAll
  • 软件作者:暂未收录
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软件标签: 音频编辑 软件 Deluxe

Audio Editor Deluxe is a remarkable online audio editor that offers a suite of powerful editing functions. These include trimming, joining, adjusting speed, changing voice, and audio mixing. The software supports a wide range of audio formats and also functions as a mobile recording app, capable of capturing sounds from your computer and microphone.

Software Features

Recording: Record sounds from your computer or microphone.

Editing: Offers trimming, joining, speed adjustment, voice changing, and audio mixing capabilities.

Format Support: Compatible with various audio formats such as MP3, OGG, AAC, AC3, FLAC, M4A, MKA, WAV, and WMA.

Format Conversion: Convert audio files to different formats.

Audio Extraction: Extract audio from video files.

ID3 Tag Editor: Allows you to edit tags, add album artwork, and other descriptions to audio files.

iTunes Integration: Transfer your favorite songs to iTunes.

CD Ripping: Rip audio from CDs.

CD Burning: Burn audio files to CDs.

How to Use

Recording: Launch the app and select the "Record" option. Choose the source (computer or microphone) and start recording.

Editing: After recording or importing an audio file, use the editing tools to trim, join, adjust speed, or mix the audio as needed.

Format Conversion: Select the audio file you want to convert, choose the desired format, and initiate the conversion process.

Audio Extraction: Open a video file and use the audio extraction tool to save the audio track.

ID3 Tag Editing: Open an audio file and use the ID3 tag editor to add or modify tags, artwork, and descriptions.

iTunes Transfer: Use the built-in iTunes integration feature to transfer songs to your iTunes library.

CD Ripping and Burning: Use the CD ripping and burning tools to rip audio from CDs and burn audio files to CDs respectively.


Q: How can I obtain a CD for backup purposes?

If you have an internet connection, you don't need to purchase a CD. You can always download the latest version of the software from our website without any limitations. Additionally, our software undergoes regular updates and improvements, so we generally do not recommend purchasing the CD version for backup purposes at the time of purchase. Note: We do not sell CDs separately.

Q: Why does Google Chrome display "Not Secure" on our website?

Google Chrome now displays "Not Secure" for all HTTP websites. In fact, our website only contains static pages and does not collect any information from visitors.

Audio Editor Deluxe v7.1.0 官方版
