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Inviska ASS Stripper

Inviska ASS Stripper v7.0 电脑版

  • 授权方式:免费软件
  • 软件类别:
  • 软件大小:13.9 MB
  • 推荐星级:
  • 软件语言:其他语言
  • 更新时间:2024-10-27
  • 运行环境:WinAll
  • 软件作者:暂未收录
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软件标签: Inviska ASS Stripper

Inviska ASS Stripper is a professional yet user-friendly ASS stripper. This software is capable of removing lines from ASS files based on their styles, which is ideal for deleting all annotations from subtitle scripts. Moreover, it can efficiently handle multiple subtitle documents. Inviska ASS Stripper is primarily used to strip complex karaoke subtitles from a batch of subtitle scripts. Some viewers find karaoke drama scripts irritating and distracting, especially when they appear in the middle of a series and are characterized by elaborate animations. However, manually removing complex karaoke from each script of a 12 or 24 episode series can be time-consuming, especially when they are composed of various styles, extend to thousands of lines, and overlap with dialogues. With Inviska Ass Stripper, you can download all scripts of the series, select the styles related to karaoke, and then click on 'Begin' to delete all lines using those styles. Another scenario where Inviska Ass Stripper proves to be useful is when you want to use the markers from one set of scripts and the dialogues from another set. In such cases, you can remove the markers from the scripts that require dialogues and remove the dialogues from the scripts that require markers, and then merge them together.

Software Features

Inviska ASS Stripper offers the following features:

Removes lines from scripts based on styles.

Deletes all annotations from subtitle scripts.

Handles multiple subtitle documents simultaneously.

Exports to a new document without altering the original script.

Supports both ASS and older SSA subtitle file formats.

Cross-platform development, running on Windows 7, MacOS 10.12, and Linux.

Released under the GPLv2 license as a free and open-source project.

How to Use

To use Inviska ASS Stripper, follow these simple steps:

Download and install the software on your preferred operating system.

Load the ASS file(s) you wish to process.

Select the styles you want to remove or keep.

Click on 'Begin' to start the stripping process.

The software will automatically generate a new file with the stripped content.

Save the new file and use it as needed.

Inviska ASS Stripper is a powerful tool for managing subtitle scripts, offering a quick and efficient way to remove unwanted content and streamline your viewing experience.

Inviska ASS Stripper v7.0 电脑版
