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Okdo Xls to Ppt Converter

Okdo Xls to Ppt Converter v5.6 免费版

  • 授权方式:免费软件
  • 软件类别:
  • 软件大小:4.5 MB
  • 推荐星级:
  • 软件语言:其他语言
  • 更新时间:2024-10-27
  • 运行环境:WinAll
  • 软件作者:暂未收录
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软件标签: 转换 XLS转PPT 文档转换

Okdo Xls to Ppt Converter is an outstanding software that can easily convert xls files into PPT, while preserving the original file format. If you need to import these files into PPT for reporting, the actual operation might consume a lot of your time. This software can help you save a lot of time.


The software has many features that make it stand out, including:

Convert multiple xls file format files easily to ppt.

Support merging multiple xls sheets into one ppt slide.

Customize the size and position of the ppt slides.

Customize images to be used as PowerPoint backgrounds.

Support inserting bottom text in ppt slides.

Load entire folders for conversion.

Save list: You can save the converted files to a list.

Load list: You can immediately load the list of conversion files for conversion.

Support saving the output files in the same folder as the source files.

Support converting each file to an individual file directory in the output folder.


Using the software is straightforward:

Import the files you want to convert.

Set the destination address where the converted files will be saved.

Finally, click on "Convert" to start the conversion process.

This software is a powerful tool that can help you save time and improve your productivity when working with xls files.

Okdo Xls to Ppt Converter v5.6 免费版
