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Sothink SWF Catcher

Sothink SWF Catcher v2.6 PC版

  • 授权方式:免费软件
  • 软件类别:
  • 软件大小:11.0 MB
  • 推荐星级:
  • 软件语言:其他语言
  • 更新时间:2024-10-27
  • 运行环境:WinAll
  • 软件作者:暂未收录
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Sothink SWF Catcher is a specialized tool designed to capture and retrieve SWF files, providing users with the ability to inspect and capture Flash SWFs from various sources including browser caches, local files, and current processes. This software is essential for those who need to download and analyze Flash content.

Key Features

Capture SWFs from Multiple Sources: Sothink SWF Catcher is capable of capturing SWFs from browser caches, local files, and current processes, making it a versatile tool for Flash file retrieval.

Easy Online SWF Capture and Storage: The software simplifies the process of capturing and saving online SWF files.

Compatibility with SonyNSWF Decompiler: Users can directly open SWF files using SonyNSWF Decompiler for further analysis.

Extended Functionality: The tool includes an extension that allows for the direct capture of online SWF files without the need to copy and paste URLs.

Software Functions

Capture and Download Flash SWFs: Sothink SWF Catcher enables users to capture, inspect, and download all Flash SWF files they encounter. Whether it's Flash banners or Flash games, this tool ensures no Flash content is missed. With its intelligent capture feature, users can effortlessly retrieve any Flash content and enjoy a seamless capture experience.

Save Flash SWFs from Cache Files: The software allows users to save Flash SWFs from cache files. It supports Flash content from browsers like IE, Firefox, and Chrome. The software automatically tracks all Flash SWFs without the need to remember URLs. Users can simply press the browser cache button to view Flash SWFs from IE, Firefox, and Chrome records.

Search Flash SWFs from Local Files: Sothink SWF Catcher can also search for Flash SWFs in local files, including AIR, APK, Flash EXE, and SWC files. Users interested in Flash content within games or other applications can easily extract Flash SWFs from local Android packages (APKs), saving time and effort.

Spy Flash SWF: The intelligent Flash SWF download tool operates in the background and can be activated by clicking the "Process Capture" button. Users can select specific processes to monitor. Once all Flash SWFs are listed in the Flash SWF Catcher, they can choose to preview or save the files directly.

How to Use Sothink SWF Catcher

Capturing SWF Files from Browser Cache

Installation: Begin by downloading and installing Sothink SWF Catcher on your computer.

Capture SWF Cache Files: Launch the software and navigate to your browser's cache. Sothink SWF Catcher will list all SWF files stored in the browser cache. You can click the "Refresh" button to update the list.

Save SWF Files: Select the desired SWF files from the SWF file directory panel. Before saving, you can use Sothink SWF Decompiler to edit the files. To save the selected SWF files, simply click "Save Selected".

Sothink SWF Catcher v2.6 PC版
