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Loopback v2.1.0 iPad版

  • 授权方式:
  • 软件类别:国产软件
  • 软件大小:11.17MB
  • 推荐星级:
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 更新时间:2024-10-27
  • 运行环境:Mac 10.9+
  • 软件作者:暂未收录
  • 软件介绍
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软件标签: Loopback

Loopback for Mac is an innovative tool designed for Mac users to create virtual audio devices. It captures the audio output from applications and input devices, channeling it to audio processing software, effectively transforming your Mac into a high-end recording studio.


Key Features

1. Compatibility with Any Application

Loopback can tap into the audio from any application on your Mac, ranging from professional production tools like Logic and Reason to simple audio players like iTunes or QuickTime.

2. Utilization of Any Input Device

Loopback can access any physical audio device connected to your Mac, whether it's a basic USB microphone or a high-end studio mixer.

3. Integration of Applications and Hardware

You can easily create a virtual audio device that combines audio from applications and physical audio devices.

4. Multi-Channel Audio Support

Your virtual audio device can be configured with up to 32 channels, offering extensive flexibility and power.

5. Custom Channel Mapping

Loopback automatically sets up channel mapping by default, but you also have the option to manually configure it to suit your needs.

6. Unlimited Devices

Create multiple virtual audio devices to manage your audio tasks efficiently.

Loopback v2.1.0 iPad版
