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Snap Art

Snap Art v4.1.3.256 iOS版

  • 授权方式:
  • 软件类别:国产软件
  • 软件大小:36.97MB
  • 推荐星级:
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 更新时间:2024-10-27
  • 运行环境:Mac 10.10+
  • 软件作者:暂未收录
  • 软件介绍
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软件标签: Snap Art
Snap Art for Mac is a Photoshop plugin designed for the Mac platform that transforms your photos into various artistic styles with ease. This software allows you to quickly convert your images into painting effects such as oil paintings, pencil sketches, crayons, and watercolors, while also enabling the rapid batch processing of multiple images. It is, however, not compatible with workflows that do not utilize plugins.

Key Features

Snap Art for Mac offers you the ability to experiment with a variety of artistic styles through its simple and stylish user interface. The updated design and layout minimize distractions and provide a wide range of presets for quick visual browsing, allowing you to achieve perfect results faster than ever before. Snap Art for Mac is versatile, functioning with Aperture support and as a standalone application, offering easy batch processing capabilities.


Equipped with an array of presets, Snap Art for Mac serves as a starting point for your unique style. If you come across a preset that inspires you, it's effortless to customize it to suit your needs. Save your new look as a named, categorized preset, complete with notes. Then, with a single click, you can apply it to your photos (or a batch of photos).

Snap Art v4.1.3.256 iOS版
