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CleanMy v4.15.3 苹果版

  • 授权方式:
  • 软件类别:国产软件
  • 软件大小:117.3MB
  • 推荐星级:
  • 软件语言:多语言
  • 更新时间:2024-10-27
  • 运行环境:macOS 10.13及更高,支持Intel及M系列芯片
  • 软件作者:苏州苏杰思网络有限公司
  • 软件介绍
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软件标签: CleanMyMac

CleanMyMac offers a secure data vault, a curated list of items with specific criteria that ensures the software can accurately select and clear Mac's junk files, providing a safer and more reliable cleaning process. With a single click, you can quickly scan and safely clean your Mac, maintaining its optimal performance. Full compatibility with Mac OS X 10.12 (Sierra) is guaranteed.


Mac System Cleaning

Efficiently clears 11 different types of junk from both internal and external drives.

Mac Application Uninstaller

Manages and uninstalls applications on your Mac, ensuring complete removal of residual files.

Mac Health Monitoring

Automatically monitors junk files and available space, notifying you when it's time to clean.

Mac File Shredder

Permanently deletes files, with a secure removal feature that ensures files cannot be recovered.

Mac Extension Management

Facilitates the removal of stubborn extensions, with automatic grouping and management of program plugins.

Mac System Maintenance

Can be set to remind you to clean your Mac on a weekly basis or at other specified intervals.

CleanMy v4.15.3 苹果版
