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噪音测试仪软件 v5.2.7 安卓版

  • 授权方式:免费软件
  • 软件类别:国产软件
  • 软件大小:6.3 MB
  • 推荐星级:
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 更新时间:2024-10-26
  • 运行环境:Android
  • 软件作者:暂未收录
  • 软件介绍
  • 软件截图
  • 相关下载
Noise Meter App

Introducing the Noise Meter App, a simple yet practical application for measuring the noise level in your surroundings using your smartphone's microphone. This app allows you to quickly assess if your living or working environment is affected by noise pollution.

Generally speaking:

  • 20-40 decibels (dB) is considered an ideal working environment, as quiet as a whisper.
  • If the noise level exceeds 60-70 dB, it can be quite loud and potentially damaging to the nerves.

We encourage users to download this noise meter app for a reliable assessment.

Noise Meter App Image

Basic Introduction

1. Decibels (dB) are a unit used to measure the relative loudness of sound.

2. According to the average human hearing:

  • 0-20 dB: Very quiet, almost imperceptible.
  • 20-40 dB: Quiet, like a soft whisper.
  • 40-60 dB: Moderate, typical indoor conversation.
  • 60-70 dB: Loud, potentially harmful to nerves.
  • 70-90 dB: Very loud, can damage nerve cells.
  • 90-100 dB: Extremely loud, can cause hearing damage.
  • 100-120 dB: Unbearably loud, temporary deafness after one minute.
  • 120 dB and above: Severe deafness or total hearing loss.
  • Around 300 dB: Irreversible deafness within a 20 km radius.

3. How are noise decibel levels categorized?

  • Severe pollution: > 74.0 dB
  • Moderate pollution: 72.0-74.0 dB
  • Mild pollution: 70.0-72.0 dB
  • Fair: 68.0-70.0 dB
  • Good: ≤ 68.0 dB

4. Urban area environmental noise quality levels:

  • Severe pollution: > 65.0 dB
  • Moderate pollution: 60.0-65.0 dB
  • Mild pollution: 55.0-60.0 dB
  • Fair: 50.0-55.0 dB
  • Good: ≤ 50.0 dB

Update Log

v5.2.7 version

  • Optimization of the noise decibel calculation formula.
  • Interface adjustment for a more concise and elegant design.
  • Algorithm update with unnecessary permissions removed.

噪音测试仪软件 v5.2.7 安卓版
